Working Papers
Return Innovation: The Knowledge Spillovers of the British Migration to the United States, 1870-1940
with Gaia Dossi
with Lorenzo Spadavecchia. Revision Requested by the Journal of Labor Economics
Selected Work in Progress
Racial Discrimination and Lost Innovation
with Gaia Dossi and Sebastian Ottinger
Natural Disasters, Industrial Policy, and the Direction of Innovation
with Mara P. Squicciarini
Liberation Technology? The Impact of the Sewing Machine on Women
with Philipp Ager
The Spatial and Technology Spillovers of Patent Protection: Evidence from Patent Examiners
Sticky Intergenerational Political Preferences
Pre-Doctoral Research
On the effects of firing costs on employment and welfare in a duopoly market with entry
with Simone D'Alessandro and Nicola Meccheri (2017), in Fanti, L. (ed.), Oligopoly: theories and institutions, Pisa (IT): Pisa University Press.